A Speciality Chemicals is a commonly used term in different industries, It is a diverse market that includes more than 50 chemical value chains across a broad spectrum of products but other than speciality chemicals there are also other chemicals which has a broad applications and to make sure whether you are using a right chemical for project or not it is important to know the difference between them. One such chemical which marks the strong presence in Pharma industry or Health care industry is the commodity chemical thus knowing the difference between them will enable you to choose the right type.
What is Speciality Chemicals?
Speciality chemicals are performance based chemicals that can be unique molecules or mixtures of molecules known as formulations. The physical and chemical properties highly influences the performance of the end product. Specialty Chemicals Business offers an enviable reputation for its capabilities in the development and production of advanced intermediates for Agrochemical and Pharmaceutical applications.
What is Commodity Chemicals?
Commodity chemicals or bulk chemicals) are a group of chemicals that satisfy global markets. These chemicals are fungible chemical material as there is absolutely Zero difference between one manufacturer’s product and another. This is the biggest difference between specialty chemicals vs commodity chemicals, as the commodity chemical is entirely standardized and not a unique segment.
What Is the Difference?
Commodity Chemicals aresimple and standardized. These chemicals are free of technical support and comes with standard delivery sizes and schedules, in contrast to specialties chemicals, which are often extensive and needs technical support and depending on the requirements in different lot sizes.
Oceanic Pharmachem is a manufacturer of both commodity and specialty chemicals. The company has a diverse client base in both requirements which help them to gain a very competitive advantage in this demanding business. Oceanic Pharmachem provide strategic solutions and customized production with industry expertise in both Speciality& Commodity Chemicals.
Our benefits:
Oceanic Pharma understands there will always be a fierce battle where profit of margin is important for each client. Now that you have clarity about these chemicals, it will be easy to serve you better. Talk to us for more knowledge on how your business can benefit from our experience.